It’s funny how things work out. Sometimes I pick up things with every intention of selling it. Then I keep it. Sometimes I think “hmmm…..I think I’ll keep that.”. And I sell it.
I picked up this petite sideboard thinking I would keep it because I love the lines and architectural elements. (Ugg cannot find the real Before pics – I know I took them! So this is a kinda, sorta “amidst” picture.)
It was the standard walnut finish and in my experience walnut is a real bleeder. A few months ago, Miss Mustard Seed gave me a tip about about using Shellac before painting to seal the stain in. Hmmm…. never knew that! I always thought of Shellac as a finish.
I sprayed on 1 coat of Shellac and brushed on a coat of paint the next day. The following morning I went out to check on it and this is what had happened!
It went crackle crazy! I was NOT expecting that! I pondered it for a little bit and decided that I loved it.
The pulls got the usual treatment. I little spa time in hot water, salt and vinegar to remove the crud. Then a little of this….
….a “Rub ‘n Buff massage. I love this stuff because by using my fingers to apply it in random spots I can achieve depth.
Sanded lightly. Waxed for a nice hard finish…and good to the shop that is! (The Stray Cat in Medway this time.)