A couple of months ago my husband brought a dresser home for me. A very nice gesture on his part. (Thank you husband.) Thing is, it was painted with a glossy black enamel. Which can also be spelled N-I-G-H-T-M-A-R-E!
I decided to attack this while the weather was still mild enough to use the nasty old stripping gel – outside. No way around it.
To make the job a wee bit easier, I popped off the wood applique.
I sanded it and took a break from it (as in weeks) – just one of those kind of projects. Then I got a call the day before our big sale last week that a vanity had sold and I needed something new to bring in. One of those “Oh crap!” calls! Less than 24 hours before the sale!
Somehow we manage! Installed in the shop in time!
Applique replaced with a vintage brooch.