After almost a year of being side-lined due to injury and other life ‘stuff’, I finally feel like I am getting back on track. As anyone with a shop/booth space knows, you absolutely reap the rewards based on what you put into it….or lack thereof.
So I’m chugging along trying to get back in the groove. I managed to take 3 pieces into the shop today. One was a little sideboard with drop leaf sides.
It has this sweet little detailing – both front and back. I was very tempted to keep it for myself but I thought I would put it in the shop where it has an opportunity to sell and then if it doesn’t, it will come home to me. Whatever will be, will be!
Sorry – no before pics. Getting it done and installed in the shop was an accomplishment itself and I am satisfied with that.
I'm joining in Miss Mustard Seed's Furniture Feature Friday link party.