At this time of year, with summer fading away, I like to prep a few things for a time when it becomes impossible to work outside. I have a million projects going at a time with glue & clamps, sanding & priming, etc. Nothing finished. Just waiting their turn for love and beauty shots. Then, when their turn comes up, I have no before pics because I took them so long ago.
Sometimes I get tired of looking at all the unfinished projects and decide to tackle one. Out of the blue, I feel the urge to do an itty bitty project and get it done lickety split. Usually I can cherry pick something in the garage.
One night last week I went out to the garage to get something in the fridge and spotted a chair that needed love. No sanding (good thing because using an electric sander at 11 o’clock at night is kind of “frowned upon” in the ‘hood. I’m OK with it but…..) So I gave it a quick coat of spray paint and took the seat in.

The first layer of fabric was easy to remove. There were very few staples and …..masking tape(!) holding the fabric in place. I could tell that there was at least one other layer under the 1st. I anticipated a few hours spent prying out staples and tacks.

My to my surprise, the next layer was in very good condition! That never, ever, ever happens! An off white with a little texture. The perfect candidate for attempting to paint the fabric with chalk paint.

First coat of Paris Grey using a water dipped brush and then dipped in paint.

After a second touch up coat.

A little silver guilder’s paste on the curlicue on the back.

I’m going to run it into the shop to go with a desk that is already there.

They make a purty pair don’t you think?