Saturday, August 10, 2013

Chunky Monkey!


As I sat writing my last post it was raining and drizzly.   I was sitting at my desk which overlooks the backyard.  At a distance I noticed something creeping across the yard towards one of my little garden boxes.  It disappeared for a second and then plunked itself in my zucchini bed!


The next thing I see is zucchini leaves flailing about  and a groundhog going to town!  I was going to run out to shoo it away but before I did I grabbed my camera and took a picture through the window (through the screen).



There he is on the left side board having lunch!  Chunky monkey!  Cheeky too!


By the time I got outside, she/he had left the scene of the crime.


With a full belly I’d say!


Mel said...

the nerve! maybe it will give him/her diarrhea LOL

debra @ HOMESPUN said...

Ha ha cute story :)

Unknown said...

Chunky Monkey - too cute lol!!!