I wasn’t even sure how to label this post. It was a colossal amount of work. I kinda, sorta knew what I was getting myself into when I bought it and if it hadn’t been so cheap I would run away in a heartbeat! I thought at very least it would be an education in what NOT to do.
The appliques on the doors (which were my favorite part) had pretty much crumbled. I glued the pieces that I had back on and then used Bondo (used for repairing auto bodies) to make the missing parts. When that was dry (it dries very quickly) I used a blade to carve the parts to blend in.
(I don’t have any before pictures because I started working on it before Christmas last year and then it was put away for the holidays. Then my computer died…pictures were lost….yada yada. Plus, I needed to build my stamina to tackle this one!)

The top was a mess and rather than try to repair the veneer (been there, done that…not fun), I chose to take it all off revealing the most beautifully imperfect top. A little dark stain called Kona (I think – it’s been a while) and the top was beautiful.

The veneer on the upper right recessed panel was bubbled so I sanded it as best I could and called it a day. A couple of years ago I would have obsessed over it but not anymore….I‘ve learned that people embrace imperfection in beautiful old pieces.

Thankfully all of the old hardware was there and it just needed a bath.
With that, it was off to the shop where it took up residence for a week and then sold!