Saturday, June 1, 2013

Milk Paint


Just a quickie post to keep in the swing of things.   I’ve had the chance to play with MMS milk paint and I’m starting to get the hang of it. You know what they say about teaching an old dog new tricks…..well, they’re wrong… can…it just takes a little more patience!


0529 Shutter grey table

This is Shutter Grey.  It has a beautiful blue undertone which doesn’t show up well in this photo because of the blue carpet in the shop.  I dry brushed white over it and I am loving it.  More experiments to come.

1 comment:

Mel said...

From my monitor it looks exactly as you described it; grey with a blue undertone.

I am so envious of your patience to paint furniture. Every time I start doing a piece, I regret starting and hate every minute of it.

Have a great week, Maureen.